Full Disclosure

Sometimes on this site (realtalklivepodcast.com), we include advertisements or affiliate links. Affiliate commissions help to support the cost of publishing the Real Talk Live Podcast and provide information of use and value to a wide audience.
The referral commission comes at no extra cost to you. Alright now!
With the exception of links from our recommended books list, We only include advertisements or use affiliate links for products and services which we have used personally or trust. we only use affiliate links if we feel the product or service may be of value to the Real Talk Live Podcast Community.
If you have a question about whether or not we're directly connected with anything we promote or endorse, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why is this page here?

We always want to be open and honest with you as you visit this site. 
Second, beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers and website owners to disclose whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations.
If you are a blogger who uses affiliate links, please feel free to use the text and images on this page with proper attribution.
There is no reason why each writer, podcaster, or video maker should have to reinvent the wheel.
We got the inspiration & framework for this Disclosure page from Zachary Sexton & Tim Ferris.
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